Since a ncient times, different properties were considered for saffron like other spices. The treatment is based on the scientific research that has been carried out in the continuation of the widespread use of saffron in traditional and herbal medicine, the many properties of saffron and the effectiveness of its compounds have attracted the attention of many researchers, pharmaceutical companies and practitioners of medical science. It shows that in the near future, saffron will be one of the most important alternatives to chemical drugs. Among these things, we can mention the following boards:
1. Help to natural digestion of food, stomach booster, anti-flatulence.
2- Sexual tendencies are stimulated and strengthened.
3- Analgesic, especially in the treatment of gum pain and colic.
4- Anti-tumor, free radical collector (anti-cancer properties of saffron).
5- Joyful, treatment of nervous pain, sedative, treatment of insomnia, memory booster, concentration enhancer, anticonvulsant, depression, spasm, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 6- Treatment of blood pressure, reduction of cholesterol, treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency, reduction of the probability of heart diseases, hardening of the arteries and increase of heart health (due to the presence of thiamine, riboflavin and minerals).
7- Treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, cold, cough. 8- Increasing the blood flow in the retina, treating macular disorders of the retina due to aging, improving the symptoms related to ischemic retinopathy.
9- Treating bruises and rheumatism externally.
10- Treatment of diseases such as dysentery, measles, enlarged liver and spleen, and urinary tract infection.
Also, many researches show that the compounds in saffron have been effective in treating some types of cancer in laboratory animals. Therefore, we observe that due to the unique characteristics and properties of saffron, today it is used significantly in the food, pharmaceutical, health, cosmetic and perfumery industries.