Abivard Saffron
Yaghoot Sorkh Abivard
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Nutritional Value of Saffron
Saffron is a natural food coloring and seasoning that reduces blood fat and cholesterol. Saffron is soothing, appetizing, antispasmodic, prevents heart diseases and cancer, strengthens memory and lowers blood pressure.the saffron plant is used in the treatment of asthma, skin diseases, eye diseases, urinary infection, jaundice, delaying menstruation, removing flatulence, treating stomachache and treating anemia. Saffron helps digestion and strengthens the stomach and is used as a pain reliever, especially for gum pain. Saffron should be kept away from light and moisture and in closed glass or metal containers. Note that in the vicinity of humidity, the aroma of saffron gradually decresases, and if the lid of the saffron container is left open, its medicinal effects and quality will also decrease.

10 years of cultivation, buying and selling experience

100% natural and selected from the best farms

ISO 9001 Certificate
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What is saffron?
The stigma of three branches of saffron is its most important commercial part. This part of the flower contains fatty substances, mineral salts and mucilage. The scent of saffron is due to the presence of a bicolor essential oil containing tropene and an oxygenated compound with cineole called safranal. And the taste of saffron is related to the bitter heteroside picrocrocin.

Since a ncient times
Since a ncient times, different properties were considered for saffron like other spices. The treatment is based on the scientific research that has been carried out in the continuation of the widespread use of saffron in traditional and herbal medicine

History of saffron
Saffron is one of the most valuable herbs in Iran, which captivates the world with its exciting color and aroma and pleasant taste, and with its aphrodisiac properties, softness and beauty to the skin and face and other magical properties, the hearts of He conquered the different tribes and nations of today’s world.

Saffron Plants And Nutritional value of Saffron
Saffron is a perennial plant that has bulbs with brown pods. this plant grows in southwest Asia. southern Spain and southern Europe. The saffron flower consists of a stem, six purple petals and three strand of red stigma of its flower. Saffron stigma contains fat, mineral salts and mucilage. Propagation of saffron is common only by underground corms.
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+98 2144285509
+98 9127676106

No.50, Emam Khomeini St. Dargaz city, Khorasan razavi, Iran
+98 5146220439
+98 9154381361